4 Ways Minimalism Can Save You Money

The PRE-ORDER for How to be a Minimalist — A Beginner’s Guide is up! Click HERE to see the details. I sincerely hope you enjoy the book and thanks for supporting me/my family/my work! The ebook will be out September 1st, paperback will be out in the next month or two.

There are so many different ways minimalism has saved us money, it will be a recurring theme on this podcast. All of the emotional, mental, and spiritual benefits of minimalism are wonderful and I certainly go into some of that here. However, there’s also this other side that’s simply practicality and there’s NOTHING wrong with that. I hope you enjoy the episode (hit the play button) or feel free to read the article below.

1. Practicing Simple Living means a slower life for us, or faster paces in nature, which is often free or inexpensive. Going on a hike pretty much costs fuel and food/water and most people likely already have the necessary gear. The views, getting some exercise, accomplishing a challenge all are worth much more to me than spending ten bucks on some random item I find at the store. I’ve used the example of hiking here, but there are so many ways that living simply adds joy and beauty to our lives without expensive price tags and stuff that will ultimately become a strain on our time and space.

2. Multi-use items save both space AND money. I also find them to be more natural, which is appealing to me, personally. Do you know how many items baking soda has replaced in our home?? That stuff is amazing and really inexpensive. I also now only keep one homemade cleaner in the home instead of ten different cleaners for ten different things. Simple, inexpensive, natural — so many things I like.

3. I no longer head to the store to look for something to buy, I now go to the store to buy what I need. I have lists, I’m organized, and I avoid sections I don’t need anything from. That’s a major shift in mindset and definitely saves us money!

4. Lastly, the more I practice minimalism, the more I have an abundance mindset. Don’t get me wrong — I still struggle at times. However, in my general, daily life, I feel content with what I have and I don’t want more, which absolutely keeps me from buying more and ultimately saves money. Not only am I grateful to have what I need, but I’m happy to be able to use and enjoy my things in my uncluttered home. 

I hope these tips help and remember — it’s all about the experiences, not the stuff.

7 Way to Simplify Your Life article

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Broden and the Shark-Toothed Chicken — Book 1 of this chapter book series (should be marked as free)

My latest videos on YouTube:
Simple Crunchy Granola Recipe
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

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