Minimalism and the Power of Positive Thinking — Ep. 34

There is so much power in positivity, I’ve made one of my life’s focuses attempting to surround myself with as much of it as possible. I’m happier, I get more done, and I personally feel I have more positive impact on others when I’m positive. Minimalism and positivity go hand in hand — removing negativity means making free spaces in our minds and homes so we can live our best lives.

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There are so many tools out there to support embracing positivity. We’re all different, though, and what works for one person won’t work for another. While I’ve tried a lot of different positivity practices, these are just a few of my favorites.

Vision Boards

I’ve been using some form of vision boards since I was a kid. My brother was the first person to teach this to me, though he didn’t call it a vision board or even have a traditional one — he had posters of those that inspired him on his wall. This left a great impression on me and I used the same technique growing up until I discovered more traditional vision boards.


I’ve also used journals to focus on my goals since I was kid. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was also able to remove negativity by expressing myself. I now have two different types of journals — one strictly for emotions I’m processing that I’ll toss someday, and another for posterity. Journalling is inspiring to look back on and helps to give a beautiful vision of how far we’ve come. Or where we can improve.

Ideal Live Vision

I’ve used this idea (see link below) in the past, though I’ve never taken the official course, so I’m really not certain about whether I’m doing it “right” or not. However, I HAVE felt the positive effects of writing out and recording my goals and dreams as if they’ve already happened and listening to it daily. It’s been a beautiful way of assisting progress.

Remove Negativity From Your Life 

This one is tricky. I absolutely don’t mean to be selfish, brush problems under the rug, or ignore feelings. However, after validating my and others’ issues and feelings, dealing with problems with a positive outlook has been really helpful to me and I feel I’ve been more supportive to others by doing my best to be uplifting.

Thoughts Become Things … Choose the Good Ones — Mike Dooley

I’ve got to say, Mike Dooley is my favorite Law of Attraction-type guru. I can relate so well to his main idea of “do your best with what you’ve got right now.” It’s so easy for me to get on board with this idea that being positive and doing your best will get you to your main destination more quickly and happily. My favorite book from his is linked below.

It’s not always easy to practice being positive. Sometimes life sucks — there, I said it! But having a few tools to help me out of emotional ditches has vastly improved my life. I hope you’ll find some of these ideas helpful to you, too.

Mike Dooley’s Infinite Possibilities

Ideal Life Vision

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My latest videos on YouTube:
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

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