5 Daily Habits that can Improve Your Life

There are so many habits I’ve developed—good and bad— that have changed my life. While I can’t control everything (let’s face it—it’s nice to have control of even a few things), there are several actions I try to do each day so that I can live my life to the fullest, enjoy those people that are most important to me, and work on goals and skills, which has become a huge part of my life. I still have bad habits, but I’m happy to slowly see the good ones winning more and more often.

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They say that small things make the biggest difference and I’m noticing that to be more and more true in my daily life. This comes in many forms for me, but I find that the most personal growth comes from healthy, positive actions taken on almost-daily repeat. Below are five of my favorite high-impact habits.

1. I drink plenty of water each day, including a good 32 oz. soon after waking. You might question how this can have that much of an impact on anything other than giving my body one of the few essentials, and I get it. The thing is, when I wake up and drink water first thing in the morning, I tend to have more energy, I’m alert much more quickly, and I feel more athletic throughout the day. All of these things lead to me feeling generally happier and more capable of getting things accomplished. And it feels great.

2. Take a quiet moment to myself. I try to do this daily, even if it means reading a single chapter of a book, resting for 10 minutes, or going on a short walk alone. I find that putting my phone away is incredibly important during this time as social media and various apps can be some of the loudest things on earth. When I make the time to do this, I feel more whole, content, and focused.

3. Making time to get into nature has always been important to me. It’s inspiring, helps me to feel grounded, and I tend to feel healthier and energized from getting out on a walk or hike. I even try to bring nature to me by having a little tiny RV garden, which brings me joy and brightens our house on wheels.

4. Practicing joyful gratitude isn’t about an attitude adjustment—it’s all about noting, enjoying, and being happy in the abundance in life. Sometimes life is tough, but learning to see the good things has helped me through the bad times.

5. Each day I try to have a meaningful conversation with a family-member or friend. I especially focus on my husband and children. They’re my people, I love them, and I want them to know it. Taking time to laugh and talk with them, smile at them, and look into their eyes—instead of at a screen—while we chat has improved the connection I feel with my loved ones. If I can’t make time for that each day, something has gone terribly wrong and it’s time to re-assess.

What about you? What habits have improved your life? I’d love to hear all about it in the comments.

Remember, it’s all about the experiences, not the stuff.

Want to follow along and see if I can reach my goal of publishing 46 more YouTube videos by December 31st, 2020? Click one of my YouTube videos below and be sure to subscribe.

How to be a Minimalist YouTube Videos:
4. Five Daily Habits that can Improve Your Life
3. Creamy Butternut Squash Soup (Plant-Based/Dairy-Free)
2. Soft and Fluffy Dinner Rolls (Plant-Based, Oil-Free, Dairy-Free)
1. Chocolate Cream Pie (Plant-Based with Oil-Free Crust)

Hal Elrod’s Book—The Miracle Morning

You can now purchase my book, How to be a Minimalist — A Beginner’s Guide! Click HERE to see the details. I sincerely hope you enjoy the book and thanks for supporting me/my family/my work! The ebook is out now and the paperback will be out in the next month or two.

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