Minimalism in the Workspace

Whatever kind of work you do, in this episode I’m walking you through several ways you can bring minimalism to work. After all, many people spend almost as many hours doing their work as they spend on their personal lives. I hope these tips help you to have a more productive and peaceful workspace.

Listen to the episode by hitting the play button or scroll down to read the article.

Today, I want to talk about minimalism in workspaces, but talking about minimalism and an office space isn’t broad enough, but I also can’t possibly talk about every type of different work and how to apply minimalism to that particular area. I decided to break it up into a few different areas. I hope you find these tips helpful!

At Work, In Person:

This may sound basic, but keep your drawers nicely sorted. It’s hard because you’re working and taking the time to tidy up might even be frowned upon. In the end, though, it’ll make you better able to work efficiently, so spending a little time outside of work hours will end up helping you to work more quickly and have a more enjoyable space.

On a similar note, keep your desktop sorted out! Ask yourself, “What do I really need and want on my desk?” From there, you can decide how many photos and desk toys you want. I know from experience that shuffling things around your desk isn’t productive.

If you need organizing tools, get them…but only if you actually have thought about it and determined that you need them. It’s easy to have a space full of organizers without being organized at all.

If there’s a lot of drama at work, choose carefully who you spend optional time with. On the other hand, find those people that are uplifting and eat your lunch or collaborate with them as much as possible. Yes, your desk space is important, but your head space and choosing to fill it with either negativity or positivity is way more important. Negativity is the worst kind of clutter.

Driving for Work/Commuter Tips:

Spending a lot of time in a vehicle can lead to a lot of garbage tucked into door pockets and cup holders. Having a system for your garbage is essential! Keep a bin, bag, or garbage gadget in your car so it’s easy to toss your apple cores.

There’s a rule in hiking; “Pack it in, pack it out.” The same applies to vehicles—if you pack it in, pack it out. Don’t leave garbage or objects behind, no matter how tired you are after your day of hard work.

Don’t forget to wash the outside of your vehicle! It can be a challenge—especially if you drive a commercial vehicle—but it’ll make you feel great to drive a rig that’s clean inside and out.

Find ways to eat healthfully while you’re on the road. It’s already a sedentary life to be driving and sitting so much, eating unhealthy junk foods all day doesn’t help. Minimalism has been a big help when it comes to travel and packing foods for my husband—we keep it simple and healthy, which saves food and menu prep time. I’ve been making myself 1-2 things at the beginning of the week so I can save food prep time and it’s been an awesome way to allow myself to have more time to write and podcast instead of spending that time on cooking or opting to grab something unhealthy, instead.

Working at Home

If you’re working an office Job at home, what do you really need on your desk and in your space? Also, since you’re working from home, I’m assuming you have at least a teeny bit more control of your space than when you’re at an office building. How can you be happier in your space? Better lighting? Tidying your home the night before? Take advantage of being the decider of your office space so you can add to your happiness.

If you’re working at home as a homemaker, what tools do you need? I know that as the keeper of budgets, schedules, activities, menus, etc., I have things I NEED, but don’t often treat myself to. It’s wrong and I’m working on it. Need an hour so you can take care of your budget? Schedule it in. Need a desk drawer so you can have a place to keep your tools? Re-organize the desk. Almost every type of work requires some type of tool, so making sure you have what you need as the home maker is important. With the wide variety within the many areas we manage, it’s impossible to do it well without having the essentials.

Put your work away when you’re done. While we spend a good part of our lives at our work, our home life is more important and where we can take care of ourselves, reenergize, and spend time with loved ones. No need to keep our work out on our desk or other areas; this visual will only nag at us and keep our minds from relaxing into our home life.

Minimalist Challenge: Ask yourself, “What’s one thing that bothers me about my work area?” Maybe it’s your cluttered desk, unorganized pantry, or trash in your vehicle. Whatever the case, spend ten minutes working on it during your lunch or after work hours until you’ve got it the way you want it.

Good luck with your workspace and remember, it’s all about the experiences, not the stuff.

Here’s the article I talked about in the podcast episode.

You can now purchase my book, How to be a Minimalist — A Beginner’s Guide! Click HERE to see the details. I sincerely hope you enjoy the book and thanks for supporting me/my family/my work! The ebook is out now and the paperback will be out in the next month or two.

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Broden and the Shark-Toothed Chicken — Book 1 of this chapter book series (should be marked as free)

My latest videos on YouTube:
Simple Crunchy Granola Recipe
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

This Week’s Minimalist and Simple Living Happenings

I’m amazed at how long it takes to adjust to getting into a different type of lifestyle flow. When we’re on the road in the summertime, everything is really spontaneous—we don’t make reservations months or even weeks in advance, we hardly know where we’re going when we set out, and we’re pretty much just looking for the next place we’ll find beauty and adventure. 

Is there hard work involved? Absolutely! But because of the circumstances and fun, it doesn’t always feel like hard work. As soon as we pull into a stationary spot I can deeply feel the hard work of getting into a routine. Once again, this last week has been all about getting into a routine.

Home school has been going great, though getting into the flow of THIS type of concentrated learning has been challenging for the kids. I like to have Monday-Thursday set up to work a little harder and have Fridays be a bit more chill and ready for a field trip. By the time Friday came this week, we were definitely ready to chill! It made me realize I’ve got a little more adjusting I need to do to our schedule.

Each week we have a family night where we try to do something fun together. This week I suggested we head to the park and play. Our daughter brought her frisbee and our son brought a toy parachute man and between those two things and the playground, we had a great time. Simple and sweet, but it was the highlight of my week.

My husband has been growing his hair out and wanted some Rambands. Instead of buying them or asking me to make them, he got fabric and asked me to teach him to make them. We had a fun date night of me bossing him around the sewing machine while The Office was on in the background. He’s pretty good with a sewing machine!

I’m always on the look-out for ways I can help the kids expand their skills without purchasing too much stuff. I’ve loved the look of macrame pieces for a long time and decided I wanted to learn, so I watched a billion YouTube videos and bought a spool of rope. I taught the kids the history of macrame and we each made a piece for home school on Friday. It was really fun and I love the way my first attempt turned out! Also, because you only NEED rope (all the other accessories for macrame are optional), I feel like it’s a very minimalist hobby/skill.

Since we’re stationary, I’ve been trying to take more time to organize and do some deeper cleaning. During the summer on the road, it’s pretty hard to give up a hike in a national park so I can wipe down cabinets. This week I got to several projects, but my favorite was the large and deep cabinet beneath the kitchen sink. A potato-gone-horribly-wrong turned my attention/nose to this area, but by the time I was done cleaning it, I was happy I’d somehow lost track of that lone potato. 

Those are definitely my favorite minimalist and simple living happenings this week. What about you? What minimalistic or simple living practices made you happy this week?

Pre-Order Time! How to be a Minimalist: A Beginner’s Guide

I’m pleased to announce that the second book in the How to be a Minimalist series is now available for pre-order with a release date of September 1st! NOTE: Ebook only at this time — the paperback will be out in the next month or two. You can find the Amazon link HERE or by clicking the book cover above. Pre-order now and it’ll show up on your device when it comes out September 1st.

While How to be a Minimalist With Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism focused on parents/families, this Beginner’s Guide is all about the individual and the various ways they can implement minimalism into their personal lives. It was a pleasure to write this book and I sincerely hope you enjoy!


Excited to start practicing minimalism, but uncertain about where to start? This book is — as titled — a guide just for beginners, and a great starting point. However, because of the variety of areas this book covers, experienced minimalists might also enjoy the different ideas explored in each chapter.

Although it’s difficult to capture EVERY aspect that simple living and minimalism can encompass, this guide goes over more than just how to go about decluttering your home. The reason for that? Minimalism is about more than just your possessions — it’s about your calendar, spending time on your goals, self care, maintaining your home once you’ve put in the effort to declutter it, emotional minimalism, and even keeping your budget in line. Don’t worry, though, this guide doesn’t skimp on the details of how to ditch, donate, and declutter so that you can move forward with confidence in your minimalistic practices.

That’s the beauty of minimalism — it can touch every aspect of your life. This guide is here to get you started with practical, realistic, and thoughtful methods so that you can find YOUR kind of minimalism.

6 Tips for Making Mindful Purchases

 Listen to the podcast episode below, or stroll down to read my post that briefly goes over my six tips.

Every day, I see ads, spot things in stores, or see images and video of people using products that make me pause and wonder whether I, too, would like to own that item. As a minimalist, I’m constantly trying to avoid this kind of temptation, and I turn down 99.9% of the things I see.

The thing is, even with all of my constant efforts to say, “no,” there are still items that wear out, tools I need, and others in my family that would like to own things that I’m not interested in. Purchases are inevitable, even if that means buying a fresh pair of undies on occasion.

Knowing this, here are six tips that will help you — and me — to stay on track when it comes to deciding whether or not you’ll be bringing something new into the home.

  1. First off, it’s OK to LOVE your stuff. Some may think this means you’ll end up purchasing more because there are lots of things to love out there. What I’ve found since becoming more and more of an extreme minimalist is that the vetting process now has such a high standard, I am rarely tempted to buy anything because I know I won’t love it. The things in our home are things we are adore and if they aren’t, they’re in consideration for being let go of. Knowing I HAVE to love it for it to come in means more “NOs” than ever. 
  2. Don’t purchase things in search of false security. A long time ago, I used to shop in search of happiness and security. I never found it. Knowing that I need a tool for my life and then going and searching for that tool is my new gig and actually brings useful items into my life without all the excess. Knowing what I need to buy is very different from going to the store to search for something to buy.
  3. Take your time before buying. I’m gaining a little patience and contentedness the older I get. Most things aren’t items I need RIGHT NOW. I’m much better at waiting for the excitement of spontaneity to wear off in order to have a clear mind to go through the positive vs negative value of an item. Usually, once I wait for the potential thrill of a purchase to go away, I don’t actually want the item anymore and I’m glad I didn’t buy it.
  4. Research for quality and whether it will serve its purpose. A lot of times, when I know I want to allow something into our home, I’m tempted by the first option I come across. Waiting and researching, thinking about how the item will be used, and what I actually need will often better ensure that I bring the RIGHT item into our home.
  5. Budget and save while you’re researching. I don’t know about you, but putting stuff on credit doesn’t feel good to me. Saving up while I’m researching DOES, and I love knowing I can pay with cash and afford what I’m buying. I know this can be difficult and sometimes impossible, but it’s always an effort I make so I have total peace about my purchase.
  6. Ask yourself if there’s an experience or necessity you’d rather spend your money on. Asking myself this has often instantly removed the temptation to buy and it’s probably the first question I ask myself.

There are so many different ways to make mindful purchases, but I hope one or more of these tips helps you to create a home you love and feel comfortable in.

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Here’s the video I talked about on the show — Simple Happy Zen’s 25 Things I Only Own 1 Of

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My latest videos on YouTube:
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

Creating a Minimalist Budget — Ep. 35

Budgeting with a minimalist mindset has totally changed the way I view money, budgeting, and using money as a tool, instead of something I simply want or need more of. I hope some of these tips can help you to harness the tool that money can be and empower you to have peace of mind and better use of your resources.

As always, you can listen by hitting the play button, or read a quick snippet below. Also, don’t forget to check out Dave Ramsey if you’re financially struggling.

This ended up being a long podcast episode, so summing up the entire thing would be a little tricky. However, my top tips would be the following:

Create a Monthly Budget:

If you don’t currently have a budget and are going to implement only one thing from this list, create a monthly budget. I think most people just check their bank accounts to see when the money is gone, but creating a budget will empower you to save, get out of debt, or simply take control.

Simplify Your Budget:

It can be tough to let go of stuff — like your favorite holey sweater — but it’s also difficult to decide to get rid of a streaming subscription or that gym membership you never use. The thing is, you can ALWAYS re-subscribe or sign back up to stuff you actually miss. If you’re trying to get out of debt or just get a hold of your finances, ditching subscriptions is one of those things that can be super helpful. It’ll make it easier to look at a cleaner budget, plus, it’ll put more money in your pocket to use as a tool for whatever goal you’re working on.

Money is a Tool:

I used to feel very negatively about money/budgeting/etc., but since coming to the idea that money is a tool, I feel so much more peace about it. It gives me direction about what I’d like to do with it. The idea also keeps me centered on getting experiences, not more money just for the sake of wanting more money. Money isn’t bad, it’s what we do with it and think about it that can get us into trouble. Having a healthy relationship with money has made all the difference for me.

Budget Fun Money:

Even if you can only scrape together $1, budget a little fun money. Maybe you want a box of candy to go with movie night, to download your favorite song, or to buy a marker for your art set. $1 isn’t nothing. And if you have $50 to set aside, you could do even more — camping trip, gas to go to a new city, or have a nice dinner with friends. The important thing is that you have some money to enjoy experiences, because practicing simple living and minimalism are all about experiences.

Use Your Budget to Prepare:

Do you know whether your kids are going to need a new winter wardrobe? What a are you going to do about that hole in your shoe? Note: I literally have a hole in my Birkenstock, so shoes are on my mind as I only have 4 pairs. Christmas will be here before we know it, plus you’ve been wanting to go on a little vacation. Note: Last year, we gave our kids a budget for planning a day trip as their major Christmas gift and it was awesome. They absolutely LOVED planning a trip!

The thing is, some stuff just pops up on us and we have to deal with surprises as they come — Dave Ramsey suggests having an emergency fund of $1,000 for these surprises like a popped tired, etc. But some things we see coming. If we take the time to prepare, we can do so with a minimalist mindset and purchase only the things we need or truly want to bring into our home, instead of buying excessive amounts that don’t necessarily fill out needs.

I hope these tips help you on your minimalist journey! Taking control of our money has been one of the most empowering things we’ve ever done and it feels good to be getting a foothold, even if it’s felt impossible at times.

Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My latest videos on YouTube:
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!